Sorrento has many advantages, but it certainly has one major flaw: the parking lots.

They are few and above all expensive!

We offer you a "stress free" solution at a great price

Using this service, upon your arrival you will hand over the car keys to a valet who will take your car to a closed and guarded car park. The service costs €20 for 24h and during your stay, if you need a car, just call the car park about an hour before the desired time and you will have your car back at the same point where you left it.



Scegliendo di parcheggiare l'auto da "Sorrento Parking" potete usufruire gratuitamente del loro comodo servizio di car valet.

Al vostro arrivo consegnerete l'auto ad un parcheggiatore che la porterà in un parcheggio al chiuso e custodito. Il servizio costa 20€ per 24h e durante il soggiorno, se ti dovesse servire l'auto, basta chiamare al parcheggio 30 minuti prima dell'orario desiderato e vi riconsegneranno l'auto nel punto che desiderate (questo servizio è disponibile dalle 7 alle 22).

Distance from your property.

Learn more

1. CHECK-IN CAR; Contact us 30 minutes before your arrival to organize the car pick up. Wait for the car valet guy near by your

accommodation, DO NOT COME at the parking. A parking staff member will provide to park your vehicle.

2. CAR VALET; free at check-in/check-out and once a day (delivery/collect). HOURS: High season from 7:00 am to 00:00 am, low season from 7:30am to 9:00 pm.(is considered High season from April 01 to October 15 & Low season from October 16 to March 31)

3. CAR REQUEST; at check-out or in case you use the car during your stay, you must call us about 1 hour before the delivery of the vehicle by giving the ticket number. (5 digits in

red, bottom left) If this does not happen we will deliver the car as soon as we can.

4. EXTRA CAR VALET SERVICE; at a cost of 3€ A/R for the second daily outing.

5. NIGHT CHECK OUT; in case you have to leave when the car valet service is not available, we require 24h notice. In case of no notice, we reserve the right to deliver the car as soon

as we can.

6. FREE SHUTTLE; When the car valet is not available (night hours) there is a free shuttle service from the parking to the accomodation (or te nearest point) from the parking lot

to the accomodation or the nearest point only when car valet is not available (night hours).

7. TARIFF; daily price covers up to 24h of parking from the time of arrival. It is possible to pick up the vehicle after the scheduled time, with an additional charge of €3.00 per hour/fraction.

8. PAYMENT; whenever you request your vehicle, you have to pay for the parking period so far, in cash directly to the CAR VALET BOY who will bring you the car.

9. RESPONSIBILITY; we kindly ask you not to leave valuables inside the vehicle, the management is not responsible for lost items.

10. PARKING; the vehicle will park at 24/26 San Renato Street, which is video monitored and guarded 24/7.

11. KEYS; you may park at Sorrento parking only if you are willing to leave your vehicle keys.

12. LUGGAGE STORAGE; it is absolutely forbidden to take or store luggage inside the vehicle while parked. In case of emergencies, a member of our staff will deliver the forgotten item as soon as possible. While, if you will need a safe place to leave your luggages, you can go to our agency at Corso Italia 206 (Sorrento) and deposit your bags and trolleys at the price of €3,00 each.

Thank you for choosing us and enjoy your stay!